Many people find it difficult to control their income and expenses, manage their budget, organize savings, plan payments and make them on time.
As a result, they find themselves in difficult financial situations where expenses exceed income, leading to increased debts, loans and lack of financial cushion.
UI layouts
Budgeted allows users to easily manage their budget, categorize their transactions, plan payments, save for desired purchases, and analyze their income and expenses with the help of charts and diagrams.
We have developed a mobile application with a user-friendly, intuitive interface that allows you to manage your personal budget automatically with the ability to synchronize with banks, add your own spending categories, plan payments and analyze your expenses and income.
Budgeted is a financial manager and spending tracker that is great for home budget planning
This personal financial manager is a proactive budget planner that will help you stay on top of your bills and finances at all times. Designed for easy real-time tracking.
Budgeted allows users to easily manage their budgets, categorize their transactions, plan payments, save for desired purchases, and analyze their income and expenses with the help of charts and diagrams.
We have developed a mobile application with a user-friendly, intuitive interface that allows you to manage your personal budget automatically with the ability to synchronize with banks, add your own spending categories, plan your payments and analyze your expenses and income.
Budgeted is a financial manager and spending tracker that is great for home budget planning.
This personal financial manager is a proactive budget planner that will help you always stay informed about bills and finances. Designed for easy tracking in real time.
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